Mode of Communication

Do you have multi-format materials available, so
your financial professionals can pick the best mode
of communication on a client-specific basis?

Are You Communicating with Clients on Their Terms?

Clients increasingly demand personalized advice and service. Mass email blasts, no matter how well intentioned and beautifully designed, often fall flat, often don’t even get opened by the recipients. In order to “break through the noise”, financial professionals must communicate not only on the right topics at the right point in time, but also in the right way, using the right mode of communication.

The mode of communication matters, and is a next frontier in the personalization of wealth management advice. Research has shown that over 60% of Americans are visual learners, who enjoy and benefit from absorbing information visually, for example via well structured PowerPoint or PDF pages. For them, a picture can truly say more than a thousand words! However, other clients strongly dislike looking at PowerPoint pages, they simply want to have a conversation instead. These audio learners process information differently, for them the spoken word rules supreme. Others yet, perhaps members of the constantly-on-the-go-crowd, prefer a crisp email to start the dialogue.

Every client — and prospect! — is different, everyone has a different learning profile and communication preference. Are you and your financial professionals communicating on the right topics at the right point in time, and in the right way? Do you make multi-format materials that are client-ready and compliance pre-approved available to your client-facing professionals, so that they can pick the best mode of communication on a client-specific basis?

Bento provides materials in these formats:

Read more on our whitepaper which explores the Value of Advice Beyond Investing.

Clients value advice
Whitepaper: The Importance of Advice That Goes Beyond Investing

Explore our Enterprise Solutions:

life in #s

Life in #s

Want to proactively advise your entire book of business on upcoming age milestones that trigger distinct wealth management risks or opportunities? You can do that.

life events

Life Events

Want to be there for your clients during major Life Events such as getting married, divorced or having a child? We've got you covered.

Children and wealth

Children Wealth

Care about the Next Generation of your client family and want to help parents instill Financial Literacy? Bento can help.

Download Samples of our client-facing content:

15 Age Points
Life in #s: Overview of 15 Age Based Milestones That Matter
Age 50 - Catch Up Contributions
Life in #s:
Age 50 - Catch-Up Contributions
Birth of A Child
Life Events:
Birth of a Child
Children & Wealth - Age 6
Children & Wealth:
Age 6

Read more of our thought leadership

Timing of Advice

How are you approaching this important dimension?

Driving CRM Adoption

Are you making the most of your CRM?

Clients value advice

Whitepaper: The Importance of Advice That Goes Beyond Investing

Life in #s: Overview of 15 Age Based Milestones That Matter

Age 50 - Catch Up Contributions
Birth of A Child
Children & Wealth - Age 6