A Retirement Number That Really Matters

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According to a recent study by the Nationwide Retirement Institute®, more than 2/3rd of clients aged 57+ have NOT received advice from their Financial Professional on when and how to best file for Social Security Benefits. And 72% of clients say that they are Extremely or Somewhat Likely to switch their Financial Professional if they do not receive this type of advice.

Most Americans work diligently and contribute towards retirement throughout their adult lives. They are looking forward to a fulfilling and secure retirement.

When to start taking Social Security Benefits is an extremely important decision with a meaningful impact on their cash flows and retirement security. Proactive advice on Social Security Benefits is one way that leading Financial Advisors create value for their clients and their families.  

3 Considerations for Financial Advisors:

  • American investors require more advice beyond investing — they seek and value financial advice that aligns with the many stages of their lives 
  • The timing of advice matters – being proactive and strategic about starting key discussions ahead of reaching important milestones builds trust and deepens relationships 
  • You can prospect by Leading with Advice – do not assume that all your prospects are receiving the right type of advice at the right point in time 

Bento empowers Financial Advisors to drive proactive and meaningful client engagement by systematically identifying upcoming advice opportunities and providing impactful content and communications tools.

For example, with respect to Social Security Benefits, Bento alerts caring advisors 2 years ahead of their clients or prospects reaching that milestone. And then Bento equips advisors with all the materials they need for impactful client engagement.

Yes, the decision on when to best start taking Social Security Benefits is a complex one, but simple-yet-powerful tools such as the below decision tree can help – in many cases, a focus on three key questions will guide the path to sound decisions.

Bento Decision Tree

Besides alerting the advisor of upcoming advice opportunities, Bento provides them with compliance pre-approved materials to share with their clients or prospects, in multiple formats – advisors select the best format to engage their clients with, based on their preference.

Bento Email

Bento Talking Points to Support Phone or In-Person Conversations

Bento PPT / PDFs for Review Meetings 

Moreover, should you want to brush up on certain advisory topics, we also provide comprehensive Internal Use Only “Advisor FAQs”, where we address commonly asked questions. So you can deepen your knowledge and serve your clients with confidence. 

Bento Advisor FAQs (IUO)

In Summary

Bento uses powerful technology to identify upcoming advice opportunities and then provides impactful communication tools in multiple formats. So that Financial Advisors can more proactively and systematically engage ALL their clients and prospects with advice that matters.

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